Peninsula Providore Garlic Oil 750ml
Peninsula Providore Garlic Oil 750ml
Infusing olive oil with a range of herbs and vegetables and creating delicious condiments such as garlic-infused olive oil is a practice that’s been around since the dawn of time. In the olden days, there were no refrigerators. So storing herbs, fruits, and other ingredients in oils were popular since it would keep foods from spoiling for a few weeks. At Peninsula Providore, we provide premium quality cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and infuse it with a variety of exciting flavours.
The Peninsula Providore Garlic Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil shows distinct garlic flavours without overpowering your world! Fabulous for salad dressings, on meats and seafoods and just drizzled over tomatoes on toast! Our garlic olive oil has won multiple medals including a silver at the Australian International Olive Awards in 2021.
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